Hiroyuki は、音楽に合わせてヨーヨーのトリック(技)を繰り出すヨーヨーパフォーマー。
現在は自身のヨーヨーショップ “YoYoAddict” と、ブランド “sOMEThING by YoYoAddict”を立ち上げ、世界で支持される競技ヨーヨーブランドとして展開している。コンテストシーンのみならず、ドイツで行われたファッションショー “Hair & Beauty” のオープニングステージ、クラブシーン、フェスティバル、小中高校でのパフォーマンス・公演など幅広いオーディエンス層から支持を受けている。日本、アメリカ、ドイツ、イタリア、ロシア、シンガポール、マレーシア、タイ、香港、台湾、中国、インドネシア、ニュージーランド、メキシコと世界中で活躍。今後もアジアを中心に、今までの「ヨーヨー = 上下するおもちゃ」のイメージを完全に吹き飛ばすスタイリッシュなヨーヨーパフォーマンスで世界を魅了する。
中国、日本、イタリアのTV番組内で2つのギネス記録 “Most Eli Hops in 30 seconds” , “The fastest time to knock off a coin from the ears of 15 participants with a loop-the-loop yoyo trick.”を樹立した。
2004,2005,2006年と前代未聞の世界大会1A部門で3年連続優勝を成し遂げる。2012年の世界大会では、m-flo の ☆Taku Takahashi からプレゼントされた曲でパフォーマンスし、再び世界チャンピオンに返り咲く。
Freestyle YoYo Performer
Back in 1997 , there was a big yoyo boom in Japan and he started to play with yoyos.
In 2001, he competed for the first time in the “World YoYo Contest” in the USA.He placed 9th in the 1A division.He stepped up his game in 2002 and this time took 2nd place at Worlds.
In 2003, He became Japan National Champion. Also in 2003 Hiroyuki designed and released for world distribution his very own signature YoYo “ Speeder “.
He also won the 1st Asia Pacific YoYo Championship and repeated this 6 times in a row.
In 2004, he became the WORLD CHAMPION.Hiroyuki was WORLD CHAMPION again in 2005 and 2006 he was the World Champion in the1A division for 3 years straight.He is the one and only person to ever accomplish this feat.
In 2012, he became JapanNationalChampion , Asia Champion and WORLD CHAMPION again.He has 2 Guinness World Records, 1. “The Most Eli Hops in 30 seconds” in China and Japan, and 2. “The fastest time to knock off a coin from the ears of 15 participants with a loop-the-loop yoyo trick.” in Italy.
Currently, his signature yoyos, “Speeder2”, “Meteor”, “PHENOMizm” and “PHENOM” are sold all over the world.His stage is not only at contests , he has performed in the Fashion Show “Hair & Beauty” in Germany as the opening act. Hiroyuki has also performed in Clubs, at Music Festivals, in Schools and more. Hiroyuki has performed in Japan , the USA , Germany , Italy , Singpore , Malaysia , Thailand , Hong Kong , Taiwan , China , Indonesia , New Zealand and Mexico.
Hiroyuki is ready to rock the world.His next level YoYo performance will redefine your definition of yoyo “ As a children’s toy which can only go up and down.”
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